AXIS Q1932-E Thermal Network Cameras

AXIS Q1932-E AXIS Q1932-E Thermal Network Cameras
AXIS Q1932-E Thermal Network Cameras
Axis Communications

Description VGA thermal imaging Bullet-style design Intelligent video Power over Ethernet Multiple lens options Easy verification The thermal resolution of 640x480 and a range of lenses make it easy to detect and identify people, objects and incidents. Thanks to a new filter that removes the blur and ghost effects, the images are kept sharp in all conditions. AXIS Q1932-E cameras offer an improved thermal imaging contrast, keeping the noise levels low at the same time as no details or temperature information are lost. The scene is easier to understand; surroundings are recognizable, and objects, accidents or people are identifiable. Intelligent video applications AXIS Q1932-E supports intelligent video applications, such as AXIS Cross Line Detection license and AXIS Video Motion Detection 2.1 which are included. The thermal camera can complement any IP surveillance system being the first to detect accidents and sending notification to another network camera. Based on the alarm trigger, a PTZ network camera can be re-directed to the point of interest. With a resolution of 640x480 pixels, AXIS Q1932-E can optimize detection performance to meet most application requirements. Since thermal cameras are less sensitive to problems with light conditions and shadows, they can achieve higher accuracy and less false alarms than conventional cameras in most applications. For demanding outdoor video surveillance AXIS Q1932-E is a bullet-style outdoor-ready model that is designed to withstand harsh weather conditions. It comes with a built-in heater for the window. It's ideal for cost efficient 24/7 area or perimeter surveillance of all security applications such as roads, tunnels and airports
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